
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

As the body of Christ, God has called us to raise up the next generation to be faithful followers of the kingdom of God. At First Baptist Church Hill, we offer a variety of ministry opportunities to help all ages and their families to connect with Jesus. The children’s ministry here at FBCH is focused on teaching children foundational truths that they can use everyday through biblical lessons, games, and music.

Gathering Times

Sunday Mornings

9:30am-10:15am -- Sunday School

Every week we hold Sunday School on Sunday mornings for our children. Here they will split into small groups where each age group can concentrate on learning from the Bible.

10:30am-11:30am -- Children's Church

Children's Church is available during our second service on Sunday mornings. While we welcome any child to come with their parents up in the main sanctuary, children 3rd grade and under can come to Children's Church to learn in an age appropriate environment.

Wednesday Evenings


Wednesday evenings are full of activities for our children. We have the Royal Ambassadors (RAs) for boys, the Girls in Action (GAs) for girls, and afterword both can attend children's choir.