
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

God is generous and so He calls us to be as well. Christians should give to the church because it is a biblical principle rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the early Church. Giving to the church supports its ministries, enables the spread of the Gospel, and allows for the care and support of those in need within the congregation and community.

Ways To Give

Give Online

You can give online using the dialog on this page. Alternatively, you can download the First Baptist Church Hill app on either iPhone or android and give through that.

Give In Person

During our early service, there will be secured giving drop boxes placed at the main entrances for the sanctuary. Feel free to utilize these boxes to give to the church. During our late service, an offering plate will be passed around. If you decide to give cash and you want your giving tracked for tax purposes, be sure to use one of the giving envelopes found in the pew pockets.

Mail A Check

If you would rather give by mail, you can send a check to
P. O. Box 847, Church Hill, TN  37642